Digital security tools have evolved in response to the wide variety of challenges human rights defenders face in extreme environments, but adoption of these tools is often not as high as we would like. The goal of the USABLE project is to scale adoption of better security practices enabled by security and privacy tools for the highest risk communities around the globe by making security tools user-friendly and relevant to their respective communities, welcoming users from diverse backgrounds and technical skill levels.

Any tool, no matter how secure, leaves users insecure if it is too difficult to use. Adding a strong usability component to digital security tools reduces the risk of human error, but more importantly it unlocks the potential to scale across networks and more broadly.

Recent Blog Posts


Human Centered Security by Connecting Design, Digital Security Training, and Tool Development

USABLE connects communities world-wide with leading UX experts and digital security tool developers through in-person interactions and engagements aimed to build better technology, and create lasting, re-usable user personas for others to incorporate.

The USABLE project also has launched the UXFund, a small pool of targeted funding to support open source projects improve the usability of their products, especially for high risk users. Further user engagement will be supported this summer, where a number of different stakeholders will be brought together for the UXForum where private sector, human rights, and open source communities convene to tackle the challenging problems we face in making security more usable for those who need it most.


The USABLE Process

USABLE starts with community building to create concrete outputs and usability enhancements.

Ongoing: UX Workshops and Tool Feedback Trainings

Learn about our needs assessment process, training approach, and user persona generation. Check out the blog for learnings so far!

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Summer 2018: UX Forum | Dublin

A multi-day usability and Internet Freedom deep-dive bringing together activists, trainers, developers and UX experts; Summer 2018.

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Summer/Fall 2018: UXFund

The application process will open soon!

Check back soon


  • Summer 2015

    Call for participation

  • Fall 2015

    Engaging the first 4 communities

  • Winter/
    Spring 2016

    Connected community needs with tools, trainers, and designers

  • Summer

    Commmunity-led prioritizing usability changes and themes

  • Fall 2016/
    Winter 2017

    Open fund for human-centered design based usability enhancements

  • Fall 2017/
    Winter 2018

    Open fund for human-centered design based usability enhancements

  • Summer/
    Fall 2018

    Commmunity-led prioritizing usability changes and themes

  • Summer

    Commmunity-led prioritizing usability changes and themes


Get in touch

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