
The UXFund supports human centered design work for open source security and privacy tools.

Launched July 14th at the UX in a High Risk World event!
Applications due September 30 - funds released starting in October

The UXFund supports human centered design work for open source security and privacy tools.

Most subgrants will be between $5,000USD and $50,000USD.

Winning applications must demonstrate a commitment to high-impact usability solutions, and incorporate human-centered design principles, including user personas and engagement of end users, such as the Tool Feedback Training participants. The majority of the UXFund will support work addressing the needs of disabled, at-risk persons and/or vulnerable populations (e.g. ethnic minorities, LGBTI, and women), but there are limited funds available for deeper tool re-architecture and/or to facilitate training to improve digital security experiences for trainees, if clear usability-enhancing outputs are presented.

Review Criteria

Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by a four-person technical committee according to the following criteria:

1) Quality of Program Idea and associated activities (and consistency with goals and objectives of USABLE): 30 Points

  • Priority given to projects which were part of a TFT and/or who attended the UXForum
  • Address a need which would improve the usability for one or more user persona developed from the TFT process
  • Improve accessibility and internationalization
  • Incorporate human-centered design principles and user testing
  • Tool is open source and has good development practices
  • Strong preference given towards enhancing existing tools (not building new tools - important and awesome, but outside the scope and goal of USABLE)

2) Program Planning/Ability to Achieve Objectives: 15 Points

  • Provide a detailed work plan for tool development and testing phases
  • Demonstrate how this work is crucial to promoting high-impact usability solutions

3) Institution’s Record and Capacity: 25 Points

  • Demonstrate legal registration
  • Be in good standing in performance and reporting under any previous subgrants, from Internews or any other organization, where applicable
  • Be able to meet all reporting requirements and deadlines

4) Cost Effectiveness (including Cost Share): 20 Points

  • Be able and willing to demonstrate the organizations’ commitment to continuing proposed activities after the subgrant period ends

5) Program Monitoring and Evaluation: 10 Points


USABLE is a project of Internews.

This funding will be administered in accordance with The Department of Human Rights and Labor / Department of State standard terms and conditions. In addition, regulations and provisions, at minimum, of 2CFR200 and 2CFR600 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, will apply to subawards issued as a result of this RFA.

Proposal budgets will be reviewed in accordance with, and selected subrecipients’ costs will be subject to, the cost principles that apply to them to assure reasonableness, allocability, and allowability as per 2CFR200 Subpart E, Cost Principles