The USABLE “Safe” icon is based loosely on this design from the Noun Project/Steven-Haycock

The webpage template comes from HTML5 UP

The background photo depicting wireframes and a laptop is from Wireframes - Winter Melody Benoît Meunier

The background photo depicting a wall of post-it notes is “post it concept wall” by Jennifer Morrow

Photos included in the personas are CC-BY (identified in each document) from the following: Azzazello, Luigi Morante, Hendrik Callens, Charles Roffey, and CC-0 sources via Unsplash.

The Code of Conduct has its own credits and is licensed CC-BY 3.0.

The blog tagging system is from JokeCamp

Re-usable design outputs from the USABLE project, such as user personas, will be licensed CC-BY 3.0.

All other content is copyright Internews unless otherwise designated.