UXForum Dublin

Save the Date: UX Forum Dublin is in July 2018!

Security and privacy tools are only useful if they are USABLE for those who need them most. Internews’ bi-annual UXForum brings together human rights defenders, digital security trainers, design experts, and software developers to discuss how to capture and integrate user feedback from high-risk communities on digital security tools, and make those tools stronger and more effective as a result. Internews is gearing up for its second UX Forum.

Wood Quay Venue, Dublin

UXForum Goals

  • Community-led roadmaps for digital security tool usability enhancements
  • Contributing powerful user personas to help guide tool development
  • Shared learnings on integrating design and training
  • Common challenges in creating usable security
  • Building a community among trainers, developers, users, and designers

Code of Conduct

The UXForum is governed by our Code of Conduct

More information about the previous UX Forum can be found here.

USABLE would like to thank these organizations for their community support of the project:

SimplySecure Access Internet Freedom Festival